About the Dot clock

An fun animated clock that shows the time using dots for each hour, minute and second of the day.

Use the settings option to switch between and customise different styles for the clock.

As well as a fun way to visualise the time, this could be used as an educational teaching aid for young students to understand learning to tell the time.

Have multiple monitors on your workspace ? Customise and leave the clock running on a seperate monitor for a dedicated background clock of your own.

If you like the Dot Clock or have a suggestion feel free to say hello. Feedback is much appreciated !


The Dot Clock was inspired by 'a day of dots'

Built with passion, JavaScript, and the amazing GreenSock animation API



  Use these options to change the style of the dot clock

Clock Mode

Radial Blocked Linear

Dot Animation

Appear Fall in Zoom in

Colour Scheme

Show Time

On Off

Show Date

On Off

Clock Font

Standard Digital

Display Mode

Dark Light


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If you like the Dot Clock or have a suggestion feel free to say hello. Feedback is much appreciated !


Seconds today     

There are 86,400 seconds in each day.
This is how many seconds have elapsed so far today.

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